My Credit File Express
In a rush for your credit report? My Credit File Express delivers within three working days.
- Delivered within 3 business days
- See what banks and lenders see
My Credit File
Don't need your credit report right away? You can order a free credit report.
- Dispatched within 10 business days
- See what banks and lenders see
My Credit Alert
Subscribe to My Credit Alert for:
- Your credit report
- PLUS your Equifax Score Rating
- See what banks and lenders see
- Directorship details
- Alerts to certain changes on your credit report
- Guard against identity theft

Protect yourself
from identity theft

Be alerted
if your credit report changes*
*Alerts are a feature of the My Credit Alert product

Apply for credit
with confidence
Credit Disputes
Have you found an error on your personal credit report? We can help you resolve it.
Information Guides

Your Credit File Explained

Understanding Your Credit Score

Your Rights Explained

Your Rights Explained

Six credit score myths - busted
Is a credit score the same as a credit file? Does your credit score determine if you get approved for a loan? We bust the top six credit score myths!

COVID + Credit: Protecting yourself and your credit file
Scams and hacking attempts are rife – with both individuals and companies being targeted. So, how can you protect yourself or your business from cyber security threats? And what are the red flags? Here’s some of our most frequently asked questions.